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On this page I have tried to include general questions relating to various Volvo models




Does my 940 have multilink suspension?

Only the 1991-1992 940 SE model has multilink suspension


Do I have Bosch or Regina Ignition?

Look at the Ignition Coils. Bosch ignition coils are Round. Regina ignition coils are Square.


When I turn on the A/C Why do I hear a roaring noise?

A roaring noise that can be heard when turning on the A/C can generally be attributed to a faulty A/C Compressor but can also come from a faulty A/C idler pulley. Compressor failure should be done by a professional technician only. Idler pulley failures can be identified by removing the belt and turning the idler by hand to see if the bearing has failed! 



When Turning left or right I notice a pop, pop noise, Why?

Generally, A CONSISTENT popping noise that can be heard when turning hard left or hard  right can be identified as an outer Constant Velocity Joint failure. Be sure that when trying to diagnose this that the noise is consistent or a continuous pop! This means that the shell or housing that supports the Balls in the CV joint has broken or has excessive wear!  



Why do I feel a vibration in the front end on hard acceleration?

Vibration on hard acceleration can often be attributed on excessive wear to the inner CV or driver in front wheel drive vehicles. On rear wheel drive cars the problem the occurs most often is an out of balance drive shaft.

Front end vibrations may also be attributed to lack of tire rotation as well. One can identify cupped or poorly rotated tires by rubbing your hand down the outside edge of the tire and noting whether or not the outer edge of the tire is smooth! 



Why do I Hear a scrubbing noise from the front when I apply my brakes?

One of two reasons. Reason 1 - The pads that were used are an inferior grade pad. Usually, an inferior grade pad will make its presence known by noting a very high pitch squeal when applying the brakes. Reason 2 - The brake pads that were used are hard use pads which contain a type of material which will cause this noise to occur. It does not mean that there is a serious problem. It simply means that it is the type of materials contained within the brake pad. Only cure - replace the pads! Hard use pads will generally not cause damage to the rotors but the noise can be somewhat consistent! 



Why do I hear a roaring noise during the engine belt rotation?

Generally, A roaring noise during belt rotation (without the A/C on) will often be caused by an idler pulley bearing going bad. There are occasions where Alternator bearings will also create a roaring noise during belt rotation. In-order to diagnose either of  these problems simply remove the belt and rotate each of the pulleys by hand. The pulley failure will make itself apparent by noting that the noise begins when rotating the faulty pulley.




When I turn the Cabin fan on I smell a funny odor?

When you turn the Cabin fan on and you smell a funny odor, the most likely cause of this odor is a leaking heater core. Heater core failures are quite common failures. When the heater core fails you will often smell a sweet scent especially when the interior fan is turned on. It is most noticeable then due to the fact that the air is being blown over the leaking area of the heater core.  Another very common interior odor is mildew. This smell is generally caused by the AC evaporator and heater cores being located too close together causing condensation leading to leakage under the carpet. 



Why do I hear a loud clanking noise during belt rotation?

A loud clanking noise from the engine belt area can often be attributed to a faulty crank shaft pulley (harmonic Balancer). Crankshaft pulley's are often  designed in 2 parts & pressed together from the factory. The problems often come from the material that holds the two part pulley together. These materials will deteriorate over time causing the pulley to separate leading to one of the following symptoms: A loud clanking noise as previously described or a loud squeak upon initial start up. You can also identify this problem when you find that your engine continually throws the drive belts off the pulley for no apparent reason. 



Why does my car seem to run hotter than it did when it was new?

If you have noticed that your car seems to run hotter, there are several things that could be happening. One of the most common problems is with age the thermostat begins to weaken making  it open slower or actually sticking closed causing overheating. Thermostat Replacement is the repair. Another problem is with the temperature switch that turns on the radiator fan can build resistance causing overheating (unless your car has a belt driven fan). When cars are equipped with electric cooling fans they generally use temperature switches in the radiator to determine when to turn on the fan. With age, these switches begin to build excessive resistance causing the cooling fan to come on later. Replacing both the thermostat and fan switch (where applicable) is recommended. Their cost is rather small compared to major overheating damage that can result.

Another cause can be an air bubble that is trapped in the cooling system that keeps the water from circulating properly.
This can happen if you drain and refill the system or if your fluid level is very low when you add more fluid to the system.
Many cars have an air bleeder valve usually located on the thermostat housing and some have a 2nd valve located on the throttle body. To correct this problem, warm up the car to operating temperature and then carefully open the bleeder valve(s) until there is a steady stream of fluid.



Why does my car have a rotten egg smell coming from the exhaust?

A harsh smell coming from the exhaust can usually be attributed to the use of fuel that contains methanol (Although in most places it is not supposed to be sold). When using this fuel, a sulfur smell can be emitted from the exhaust which can range from a mild odor to a rotten egg smell. To avoid this smell try changing the place where you purchase fuel! Catalytic Converter failures can also cause this same smell!



Why does my car start intermittently when the engine is hot?

Intermittent no starts can often be attributed to ignition switch  failures (the electrical portion). More often than not, mechanics change the starter because the symptoms lead them to the starter as being the source of the problem. In reality what generally occurs is that the voltage going to the starter is less than adequate to COMPLETELY turn over the engine. This is not to say that Starter assemblies do not fail because they do, but an occasional ignition switch problem can be a difficult problem to diagnose. In most cases when the starter fails it will be the starter solenoid failing noted by a click, click when attempting to start. Make sure that you check to see if you have 12 volts at the solenoid prior to replacing the starter. If you do not have 12 volts at the solenoid then look to the ignition switch as the problem area!



Why does my car seem to Wander in the steering?

A Wandering feeling in the steering can often be attributed to faulty tie rod ends.  Tie rod ends are the components that Tie the wheels to the steering racks. When they have excessive wear they tend to cause the tight steering feel to disappear.  When replacing Tie rod ends be careful to count the amount of turns that it takes to remove the ends and place the new ones on using the same amount of turns. This will insure that the tow-in remains the same.




Why does my car have a loose feeling or rattle when going over bumps?

A loose feeling or rattle when going over bumps can often be attributed to faulty lower ball joints! In-order to test the ball joints you must UNLOAD the wheel by jacking up the car. Then place a large pry bar or screwdriver between the steering knuckle and the ball joint and pry up and release. There should be no movement in the joint itself!  By doing this you take the pressure off of the ball joints which will allow you to test them for excessive play or movement!



Why do I see pink or green fluid on the ground ?

Seeing Pink or Green fluid on the ground area is a generally an indication of a faulty water pump. In most cases, the water pumps are designed with a weep hole in the castings of the pumps themselves. Seepage is quite common on most cases but noting that antifreeze is leaking on the ground would not be classified as seepage. Fluid on the ground means that the pump has failed and is in need of replacement! 


Should I turn the Brake rotors?

Most car manufacturers do not recommend turning rotors because the majority of time after turning them they are below the recommended minimum thickness. The recommended minimum thickness is generally stamped on the rotors. This is not to say that car rotors cannot be turned. They can be turned one time but will generally warp within one year because of how thin they become.



Why does my car seem to run hotter than normal? Thermostat diagnosis!

Most of time, Overheating can be attributed to a faulty thermostat. Thermostat failures can be identified by noting that no heat exist or that the hose leading from the thermostat does not feel as though water is flowing through it. This is an indication that the thermostat is not opening! Replacement is the repair!



Why does my headliner sag and How can I fix it?   

 The reason that headliners sag on the car is because the foam between the headliner material and the glued portion of the material erodes with time causing the main portion of the headliner to sag. The only repair is to replace the headliner material by removing the headliner, pulling the old material off, cleaning the fiberglass headliner and gluing new material on.



What are the most common Cruise control failures?

The most common cruise control failures on the car are: pedals switch failures, The cruise control vacuum line cracks (on cars with vacuum controlled systems) & Control module failures. The pedal switch failures are the most common problem with the cruise control not functioning correctly. What generally occurs is that the pedal switches become mis-adjusted or the ears get broken off the switches causing a no contact condition.  



How do I Bleed my hydraulic clutch?

The easiest way to bleed the clutch is to use a pressure bleeder. You apply pressure to the reservoir with air and loosen the nut on the line to the master first. Second, make sure solid fluid with no air comes out of the line. Third,  tighten the line back down at the master cylinder while the fluid is still coming out. Follow the same procedure to bleed the slave as well.



How will I know if my Turbocharger is failing?

Turbocharger failures can often be identified by noting that Small puffs of gray/white smoke begin to stream from the tailpipe when coming to a stop. This is usually an indication that the clearance between the impeller shaft and bearings have become excessive allowing oil to leak past the seals. Another indication of excessive bearing clearance is noting that large amounts of oil that shows up in the intake manifold. 



What Does ABS Brakes Mean?

The term ABS means ANTI-LOCK BRAKING SYSTEM. The ABS System automatically controls braking at the front wheels individually and the rear wheels as a unit (in most cases) preventing the wheels from locking during a hard braking situation. This enables the driver to maintain STEERING control and also shortens the distance to a complete stop. In cars without ABS, the brake master cylinder actually applied steady pressure to each wheel when the brakes were applied causing the wheels to look under heavy breaking. This led to wheel lockup, loss of steering control & lengthy stopping distances. ABS systems use a hydraulic pump that applies modulating pump pressure during heavy braking. The ABS system in effect pumps the brakes for the driver a consistent frequency. This pulsing is considerably faster than even the most experienced driver could accomplish if he were to attempt to this manually!



Why do I feel a Vibration when applying the Brakes?

A Vibration when applying the brakes in most vehicles can be attributed to warped Rotors. Warped rotors can have several attributing Factors. For example, Over tightened lug nuts can cause rotors to be in a bind therefore leading to warping during one of the next heating and cooling cycles. However, this is not say that this is the leading factor. Rotors tend to warp in general simply because of the number of times they heat up and cool during a year. When you stop suddenly or brake hard the rotors heat up and then cool back down. This often lead to an imbalance or warping. Replacement is the cure. You can often identify this failure by being able to feel a vibration through the break pedal when stopping.



How can I figure out if my clutch assembly needs to be replaced?

Clutch Failures can often be identified by noting that the engine will rev up but the vehicle will not be propelled forward. This is an indication of a worn out clutch disc or pressure plate. It is our recommendation that the pressure plate, Disc, throw-out bearing, Slave & pilot bearing all be replaced when servicing the clutch. These components go through considerable movements daily and all will deteriorate and be in need of replacement at some point as well.



Why Do I hear a low pitched clicking noise when I turn on the inside Fan?

A Low pitched clicking noise that comes from the cabin fan is an indication of bearing failure within the cabin fan. Cabin fan access will depend on the car. In most cases the cabin fan is located under the hood and under the false bulkhead. In some cases the cabin fan is located inside the car under the dash. 



Why do I feel a clunking up front when accelerating from a stop?

A Clunking noise that comes from the front end when accelerating from a stop can usually be attributed to a broken engine mounts. In most cases the engine mounts have support straps that will only allow a specific amount of movement when the mounts fail! In some cases failing engine mounts can be identified by noting that you begin to feel vibrations throughout the inside of the vehicle when idling.  



Why do I see fluid leakage on my driveway?

Fluid leakage is quite common on almost any vehicle type. The first thing one must do is to attempt to identify the fluid color in-order to locate the leakage area. Red fluid is transmission fluid, Dark Brown or Black fluid is most likely engine oil, Light brown fluid is Power steering and pink or green fluid is antifreeze. Listed below is the most common issues with fluid leakage:

Dark Brown or Black fluid: Most likely engine drain plug leak or engine oil pan gasket.

Red Fluid: Transmission Pan Gasket failure

Pink or Green Fluid: Water Pump failure or radiator hose failure

Light brown Fluid: Power steering hose failure



Should I allow my Turbocharged vehicle to idle down after pulling into my driveway?

Allowing the Turbocharger to slow down after driving hard and shutting the vehicle off quickly is something that Turbo owners began to realize was very important when turbochargers came into production back in the late 1970's. As a matter of fact, many manufacturers posted this on the back of the upper visor on production vehicles for years. The fact is, this was done because Turbochargers spin at approximated 40,000 revolutions per minute and when you drive hard and then stop the engine abruptly the oil supply to the turbocharger is taken away causing something called "Coking". This process occurs because the Center section of the turbo continues to spin without oil causing the oil to actually burn and coat the bearings/bushings with a coating that would cause the turbo to fail prematurely. In approximately 1988 Manufacturers introduced the Water cooled center sections (actually the bearing section is lubricated by Oil and the section around the oil section is cooled by antifreeze). This, coupled with downsizing the turbochargers considerably has dramatically reduced the number of Turbo failures. Slowing down moderately and coasting to your home for about one/half mile or so would still be a good idea but not mandatory. 



Why does my Turbocharger Whistle during Acceleration?

 Turbocharger whistling is often caused by excessive bearing wear. What generally happens is that the center section bearings tend to wear allowing the impellers to rub against the compressor housing of the Turbocharger causing a whistling during acceleration. This is not to say that all Turbochargers that whistle need to be replaced. Some Turbochargers whistle for years without failure. Frequent oil changes will help prevent Turbocharger failure! Another cause is air leakage in the intake side of the turbo.


Why do I see or smell oil from the engine compartment above the exhaust?

Oil leakage from the Valve Cover Gasket is a common problem on most cars. What generally happens is that the gasket heats up and cools down so many times that the gasket eventually hardens up to a point where it no longer seals. Replacement of the valve cover gasket(s) is the only repair. 



Why do I hear a whining noise on acceleration and deceleration?

A whining noise from the transmission during acceleration and deceleration can often be attributed to faulty pinion bearings in the transmission. Generally, what happens is that the bearings begin to get pits in them due to excessive wear or dirty transmission oil. Catching the pinion bearings prior to complete failure will result in less cost during a transmission repair!



Why does my Clutch pedal seem to engage the clutch close to the floor?

Cars that are equipped with a hydraulic clutch system generally see problems with worn out seals in the Clutch Master cylinder. Clutch Masters can be rebuilt or replaced.  The easiest way to bleed the clutch system is to force air into the reservoir with the bleeder open closing the bleeder as a steady stream of fluid begins to flow. 


How Do I Diagnose a NO START Condition?

IGNITION DIAGNOSIS - There are several basic things that should be done in-order to diagnose a no-start condition. First, check to see if you have spark at the center terminal of the distributor cap by removing the coil wire, hold it with rubber handled pliers and point it toward the engine about 2 inches from the block? If you have spark there and spark at the plugs then look to the fuel system for your problem. If you DO NOT have spark at the center terminal of the distributor or at the plugs then your problem is more that likely your ignition amplifier module. 





Why does my car smoke when started after sitting for several days or just overnight?

If you crank your car up after it has been sitting for several days or overnight and it smokes out the tailpipe for a few seconds upon initial start up then the problem is more than likely  leaking valve guides/Valve stem seals. What generally occurs is that the guides/seals wear due to the stress of the valve moving up and down so many times. This basically causes excess clearance between the valve guide and the valve stem. Minor seepage occurs during the rest period allowing oil to leak into the combustion chambers leading to morning smoke! 



How do I diagnose a faulty Brake Master cylinder?

Brake Master cylinder failures can often be diagnosed by noting that when sitting at a stop sign or stop light with your foot on the brake pedal that the pedal seems to continue to move toward the floor very slowly. The rubber seals in the master cylinder tend to wear around the edges causing leaking past the seals. Replacement of the master cylinder is the repair!



How do I diagnose a faulty brake booster?

Brake Booster failures can often be identified by noting that you hear a slight air leakage inside the vehicle that seems to change tone when applying the brakes. When the brake booster fails you will often note that the brake pedal feels hard and more force is required to stop the vehicle. Brake booster replacement is the repair! 



Why do I hear a High pitch whine when I first crank car?

A whining or high pitched whirring noise that occurs at initial start up can often be attributed to a faulty starter assembly. Another area to look at is the tension of the belt. Weak belt tension can also cause a high pitched whine on initial start up!



Why does my car Stall after it has warmed up?

One common cause of stalling is vacuum leaks. Check all vacuum hoses and fittings. If your vehicle is equipped with emissions equipment such as a charcoal canister, the end of the hoses sometimes crack over time creating a vacuum leak. Stalling can also be caused by an erratic Fuel Control Module. Note: On some vehicles this is called the Electronic Control Module. This might be indicated if the motor almost stalls when you accelerate from a stop and then suddenly slams up to full power.



Why does my car have Black smoke coming from the tailpipe when idling?

Black Smoke streaming from the tailpipe is generally an indication of a faulty Air Mass Meter or Map sensor! There are occasions when a faulty fuel pressure regulator will cause the same symptoms!



How do I replace my broken Antenna Mast?

Antenna Mast failures generally occur because people ride through the carwash with the  antenna up. Once the mast is bent replacement is the only repair. As long as the antenna cord is not broken, repair is fairly simple. Simply remove the nut off the antenna assembly top and pull out the portion of the antenna mast that still remains in the assembly (You may have to turn on the radio when attempting to remove the old antenna mast). Slide the original sleeve over the replacement mast and place the nut over the mast and insert the corded portion of the antenna into the antenna assembly until it reaches the bottom. Have someone turn OFF the radio and slowly rotate the cord clockwise until the corded portion of the antenna is pulled into the antenna assembly. Slide the mast all the way into the assembly and install the nut and tighten slightly! DO NOT WORRY if the mast does not go all the way down at first as it will adjust itself after turning the antenna on and off again. 

NOTE: There are occasions where the antenna cords break off and will not allow the replacement mast to be pulled in by the rotation of the antenna gear assembly. In this event you will have to remove the antenna assembly and disassemble it and manually remove the broken portion!



What needs to be done to convert my AC from R12 to R134A?

Converting from R12 to R134 freon seems to be a subject that is in debate throughout the country as to what is necessary to complete the conversion. Many mechanics say that in-order to convert from R12 to R134 you should replace the compressor, receiver drier and expansion valve. It has been our experience with car AC systems that the original systems will convert to R134 without major complications. We do however suggest replacing the receiver dryer, all O-rings (included in the conversion kit along with the 134 fittings), the refrigerant oil and rid the system of all of the old oil by flushing the system. 








How do I adjust the headlight Beam?

 Almost every vehicle has headlight adjusters on top and bottom of the back of each light assembly. Most dealerships and independent repair shops use headlight aimers to adjust the headlights. It can be done without aimers by adjusting the beam of light to be directly in front of the assembly and about 24 inches off the ground. You can measure this by aiming the lights at a garage wall and making the adjustments. You will find that one of the adjusters will adjust the light beam vertical and the other adjuster will adjust the light beam horizontally.

NOTE: Some headlights have levels located in the lights assemblies. These levels should be adjusted at 0 unless otherwise specified by the owners manual.


Can I replace just the lens of my headlight instead of the whole assembly?

Replacement of the headlight lense instead of the whole assembly is possible but it basically depends on whether or not the glass part of the headlight assembly is offered separately for your vehicle. In some cases the insert (which is the glass  & the housing it is attached to) can be replaced. Insert replacement is easy but one needs to be very careful not to break the ears of the insert off when trying to push the insert into the headlight frame. Lense (or just the glass) replacement is quite easy. You simply remove the clips that hold the lense to the lense housing and replace the glass portion of the light. 



How Can I tell if my front-End is out of alignment?

There are several ways to tell if your vehicles front-end is out of alignment. One, is that the steering wheel may appear to be off center (an indication of something bent or tie rod ends off center). Second, your car may pull to the left or right when on flat ground (an indication that the alignment is off). Third, Front tire wear is an indication that problems exist in the front-End. This could mean that the caster or camber is off and in need of adjustment. 


 Why does my car pull to the left or right when applying the brakes!

In most cases when you apply the brakes and the car pulls to the left or right this can be attributed to a sticking brake caliper. Depending on the application some calipers can be rebuild and in other cases the faulty caliper must be replaced. If your vehicle is equipped with ABS brakes you may find that the valve body in the ABS system is malfunctioning.

NOTE: ABS brakes are under VERY HIGH PRESSURE and should only be worked on by those who are properly trained!


What are the most common problems with Exhaust & how do I diagnose problems?

The most common Exhaust failures are mufflers. You can often easily diagnose issues with the exhaust system by placing a rag or towel over the tailpipe hole (Just for a few seconds). BE CAREFUL AS THE EXHAUST MAY BE HOT!!!!! When you cover the tailpipe hole up for a few seconds pressure builds in the exhaust system and a whistling noise will begin to occur wherever your exhaust leak is. 


How can I diagnose a faulty Catalytic Converter?

In Most cases faulty Converters can be identified by noting that your car will not accelerate or seems to have severely diminished power. Many times converters that are clogged up will glow red when the vehicle is running. The reason for the Glowing is because of the amount of heat and unburned fuel that collects in front of the clogged up converter. Converter replacement is the only option. A quick way to be sure that the converter is the problem when it is suspect is to disconnect the exhaust system at the header and allow the exhaust to flow without going through the converter. If the converter is the problem the cars power should be restored with the header pipe disconnected. 


Why won't my Battery stay charged? How do I diagnose the problem?

In most cases the problem is with the alternator. Check the fluid level in the battery. If it is low, add water to bring it to the correct level. Even if it is a no-maintenance battery you can usually get the vent covers off without damaging them. Charge up the battery to a full charge. With the car running, use a voltmeter to check the voltage across the positive and negative post of the battery. It should read approximately 14 volts. If not, the alternator may be faulty. Turn off the ignition and check the voltage of the battery. It should be above 12 volts. Do not start the car for several hours, preferably overnight, then check the voltage again. If it is within 1/2 volt of the first reading, the battery is probably good. 


Why has my Hydraulic Clutch Lost pressure?

Make sure the hydraulic fluid is at the normal level. If you have had to add fluid recently, you most likely have a leak. Check that the bleeding screw is not loose. If there are no leaks the problem is either the clutch slave cylinder or the master cylinder is bad.


Why do I smell Petrol Fumes From my vehicle?

Often there is a small rubber vent hose from the tank to the filler neck that will split or deteriorate and cause petrol fumes to escape. This is particularly noticeable when you exit the vehicle on the side that has the filler neck.


Why is my vehicle Harder to Start After the motor warms up?

This can be caused by vapor lock or a sticking fuel pump check valve. A warmed up motor produces a great deal of external heat. Fuel must be kept cool to flow properly through the fuel lines and into the combustion chamber. If the fuel system is exposed to the engine heat, the fuel will vaporize and interrupt the flow of fuel to the motor. This is called vapor lock. A fuel pump has a check valve to prevent the fuel from flowing back toward the fuel tank and to keep some pressure to allow the motor to start easily without having to re-pump the fuel all the way to the motor. This check valve can wear over time causing it to stick and making it harder to start the vehicle. 


Why does my Speedometer Start and Stop intermittently

If your speedometer stops working and then starts again, you most likely have an electronic problem such as a bad
transistor in the speedometer receiving unit. This can be further confirmed if the odometer also has the same problem.


Why do my Disc Brakes Make a Sharp clicking noise after I change direction?

This can be caused because the pads are a little loose on their mounts, which itself is not a  problem. When you change direction, they will slide up or down until they hit the caliper bracket. They could be dragging slightly on the rotors if there is any buildup on the caliper pistons or if the sliders are a little rusty.


Why is my Anti-lock Brake Light sometimes on?

First, check the brake fluid. Fill it to the proper level. If the fluid level is ok, this could be a problem with a sticking relay contact and in hot weather, the higher humidity would make it worse. This may also be caused by a problem in the ABS Control Unit.


Why do I hear a Hissing Sound When the A/C is on?

There are Vacuum hoses that operate the ductwork in the dash. Check each outlet vent in every setting, including the windshield defroster. If one or more has no air flow, the vacuum hoses (or 1 hose) could be disconnected. Find it and re-attach it to the vent.


Why does my Manual Transmission Grind When shifting?

If the clutch is working properly, the most likely cause of grinding when shifting is worn or broken synchronizers in the transmission. Rebuilding the transmission is the only repair.


Why is my Steering Vibrating or Shaking?

Vibration or shaking in the steering can be caused by several problems. First check to see that the lug nuts on the front wheels re not loose. Rub your hand around the outside edge of the tire to see that it is smooth and not cupped (cupping is creates a jagged edge around the outside edge of the tire and is often caused by lack of tire rotation). Check that the brake rotors are not warped. Also make sure the tires are balanced. 


Why do I hear a High Pitched Squeal in Low Gear?

This sound can be the result of a worn crank pulley or idler pulley. The noise is covered up in the other gears because of increased engine and road noise.


How do I find where my A/C is leaking?

The A/C system has lubricating oil that will leak out when the freon escapes. A very likely place to look is the ends of the A/C hoses where the hose is joined to the fitting.


Why doesn't my Electronic Speedometer work?

This problem is most likely caused by a speedometer circuit board failure. Sometimes these boards can be repaired at a very good savings over purchase of a new board. Another common failure is the speedometer transducer. This is the component that sends the signal to the speedo.


Why is my Temperature Gauge reading High?

If there is no loss of coolant, the primary cause of a high reading is a faulty thermostat .If you are losing coolant, you need to check all heater hoses, radiator hoses, and the radiator for leaks. Check them while the vehicle is running.

If none of the above is true, check the wiring connectors to the temperature sensor. They may be loose. On some vehicles, the sensor is located in the top radiator hose.


Why does my Clutch feel Spongy?

The reason for the spongy or soft pedal is because of air in the system. You need to bleed it out. But first you need to find the source of the leak. Check the engine compartment and the area where the car is parked for signs of leakage. If there is a lot of leakage, you probably have a bad clutch slave cylinder (providing that you have a hydraulic clutch)


Why do I hear a Pinging noise from my Engine?

The most likely cause is using gas with a lower octane rating than recommended. Check your owner's manual. Another cause is carbon buildup around the valves keeping them from closing properly. A couple of treatments with a fuel additive may help. Follow the directions and make sure you use it on a full tank of gas.


Why are my Rotors Warped?

Some reasons that rotors warp:

1.       When lug nuts are tightened too much or unevenly, they put pressure on the rotor and can cause it to warp

2.       When rotors have been machined, they are more likely to warp because they are thinner.

Notes: Rotors should only be machined if absolutely necessary. New rotors do NOT need to be machined. They only need to be cleaned with a solvent to clean off the protective oily film.


Why am I Losing Coolant?

Several things can cause loss of coolant, A faulty Water pump, Head gasket failure or leaking coolant hoses. 


Why is my Engine Surging?

The most common cause for engine surging is a vacuum leak in one of the hoses.. Check all vacuum hoses including the ones for the emission components.


What to do when I have No Brake or Rear Lights

Often the electrical contacts on the removable bulb holders get dirty or partially corroded, and then don't carry current well. This can cause the Brake Lights or other Rear lights to fail completely or to fail intermittently. Clean the contacts in the bulb holders and also clean the contact areas on all the bulbs involved. Use a small piece of emery cloth, or a piece of steel wool. You can also check the connections where the wiring connects to the lights. Clean away any corrosion and make sure the contacts are tight. Sometimes you can use needle nose pliers to gently tighten them.


How do I reset the service light on my S40/V40

All models for 1999 and on can be reset by; Putting the ignition key into position I (one), push in and hold the odometer reset button (use your left hand), move the ignition key to position II (two), when the service light begins to blink, let go of the odometer reset button. Confirm by turning your Volvo off then on again.

How do I reset the service Light on my S80

Turn ignition switch to position I. Then press and hold the "day counter reset button". Next turn ignition to position II. Continue holding day counter for about 10 seconds. After the service reset flashes, release the day counter button. You should hear 2 beeps to confirm the command was accepted.


How do I reset the service light on my S70/ V70

Press and hold odometer reset button. Then turn ignition switch to Run. When the service reset flashes, release the odometer reset button. Confirm by turning the ignition off, then on again.

How do I Diagnose 240/740 Ignition Control Unit Problems

Ignition Control Units do not fail very often.
Check the wiring from the unit all the way back
to the distributor and the coil? On the 240/740 the
wires passes under the front of the engine.
You may find a broken or shorted wire is the cause of your problem.


Does my 240 have Cam or ZF Steering?

You can find the type of steering that was originally installed
from the information on the service plate.
The service plate is located on either the Trunk frame or the Door pillar.
Look for "Steering Gear".
To the right you will see a number.
2, 4, or 5 means a Cam steering was used.
3 means a ZF steering was used